Monday, January 10, 2011

The Gift that Keeps on Giving

Our family received a membership to the Science Museum of MN as a Christmas gift from my sister-in-law. Incredible (the gift and her)! Today we enjoyed our gift with the first trip to the museum, and are looking forward to many, many more excursions to the SMM during the year. Thanks again, Aunt Kristen!


Anonymous said...

I love the science museum. I haven't been there since the body worlds exhibit, but I need to go back. I could easily spend hours wondering around.

Knowledge is a wonderful gift to give kids! 2-thumbs up!

Kristen Ann said...

I'm glad y'all are enjoying it! You guys will have to pick another place you'd like to spend more time at for this year's gift. :)

What are they holding in the last picture? Whatever it is, they certainly look happy about it!

Jon, Sara, Tyler, and Sophie said...

Kristen - since there a little bit extra on the gift card (since I did the educator discount) I let them pick something from the gift shop. They were super excited and in the picture they are holding them up to show you. Tyler picked a stuffed snowy owl and Sophie chose a red water bottle.