Tuesday, December 14, 2010

32 Reasons

In celebration of his 32nd birthday, here are 32 random reasons why we adore him.

1. "I love that he takes me to Tasty Pizza" - Sophie

2. "I like when Daddy plays games and video games with me." - Tyler

3. he shares my love for 'Big Bang Theory'

4. he is the hardest worker I know

5. he strives to do best and doesn't settle for okay
6. his sarcasm matches mine
7. his willlingness to help me with my technology issues, especially school related ones (making class DVD's and such)

8.his newfound mechanic skills

9. his soccer coaching abilities

10. how we balance each other

11. how he can be so patient with Soph when my patience has worn thin

12. how his hugs make my troubles melt away

13. he was my biggest supporter while we dealt with my 3 years of PT employment

14. he takes time to make me feel special (whether it's a quick call or something more, he let's me know he thinks about me)

15. his honesty

16. he is giving to others, especially his time, when they need assistance
17. his body heat (we joke about this all the time)
18. his wonderfully written poetry

19. "How he hugs me and kisses me. We should give him a potluck." - Sophie
20. how he humors me by going along with all my crazy plans
21. "He's the bestest daddy in the world. I'll never not love him!" -Tyler

22. the crazy way he sorts laundry before folding it
23. his diet coke addiction

24. how he roles some articles of clothing instead of folding them
25. his creative gift giving ideas

26. his love of travel - and one day we'll do much more of it

27. how he can forget he's speaking Spanish

28. his giddy nature around 4th of July (especially involving fireworks)

29. his thoughtfulness - he'll ask about how my friends are doing

30. how he likes the same candies as my dad. it's uncanny

31. he is a wonderful husband and father

32. he loves me unconditionally, and for that I am truly blessed!


simplicity said...

I LOVE this list! And his baby picture...so sweet!

Happy Birthday Jon, hope your day was wonderful!!!

Kristen Ann said...

Just about died when I read Sophie's potluck comment. Out of the mouths of babes!
Happy birthday to my "Big-Little" brother!