Monday, October 4, 2010


Sorry about the lack of blog postings. My temporary hiatus was due to end of the quarter, conference, craziness.

And now....we are on our three week break. A perfect time to post more? Maybe.

Today started off an anual appointment with the doctor, and ended with the flu shot and a tetnus shot. My arms are loving me today (or not)!

This week is quickly filling up with activities:
*A birthday party for Tyler's friend
*A trip to the Children's Museum
*Swimming lesson for Sophie
*Soccer Jamboree
*A full house, including guests (Grandpa Frank and Grandma Wendy will be visiting so that they can watch some soccer).

With the list of activities piling up, so is my to-do list. Maybe I should go work on that...


Gina said...

Sounds like you have a busy upcoming week! Enjoy your 3 week break!

simplicity said...

Looking forward to seeing you SOON! :) Yay for 3 week breaks!! :)