Thursday, July 9, 2009

What Happened to the Week?

Where did the time go? It passed way too quickly!

The past week at the Edwards' household was filled with Fourth of July celebrating, playing outside with friends, some fun projects, pre-school "camps", swimming lessons, and even some mini-adventures.

I am so behind with blogging that I'm just going to give the short version/picture recap. Enjoy!

We bought unfinished bird houses a few weeks ago, and last week the kids painted them.

Last Thursday (yes, a week ago) we visited Grandma and Grandpa Hansen, and had breakfast with them and their guest, Greatsie. After breakfast, Sophie decided that she wanted to "host" a tea party. Raspberry Ice served as the "tea", and chocolate chips were the "biscuits." Too cute!

Grandma supervising the pouring of the "tea."

On the Fourth of July, we had our dear friends, Mike and Carly over for some burgers, yard games, fire with smores, and fireworks. Perfect way to spend Independence Day!

Uncle Mike and Auntie Carly helping Sophie with her sparkler.

Lately, we have been able to spend time outside with neighbor friends. This is Sophie with friend Wyatt.
Tyler and his friend, Ian, taking a break from the pool.

Other adventures included going to Como Zoo on Wednesday, with Katie.
Here are my darlings, enjoying our lunch that we brought. Sophie was more interesting in the picnic of an Asian family behind us - they had noodles and she really wanted them instead of her PB sandwich.

Looking at the turtles.
On a side note, yes Jon, I did take Sophie in public with that hair. She was so proud of her ponies that Kate put in.

And finally, rounding out the week, tonight we enjoyed the Isanti Parade. I promise, we had more fun than the pictures show. :-)

1 comment:

simplicity said...

10 days no update I think you're slacking :)