Thursday, July 2, 2009

Well Said, Rob, Well Said!

While driving home this evening I was listening to Cities 97. It happened to be "After Hours" and they were replaying an interview with Rob Thomas (of Matchbox 20 fame). In between the music the discussion mentioned some twittering, controversy, and an article that Rob Thomas wrote.

Of course, me being uber curious (a.k.a nosy), I had to google the article and read it.

"The Big Gay Chip on My Shoulder" brought up many interesting (and fantastic, in my opinion) points. I could elaborate and explain my thoughts, but I don't think it's necessary. I know people who agree with this, some who disagree, and some who are in the middle - that's fine. This is America, after all, and we can all make our own choices. I, however, think this is a well written article, and I thought it was worth reading- no matter what side of the fence you happen to be on.

"I am a person who believes that people are born gay. I don't think you have any control over what moves you or to whom you're attracted. That's why it's called an attraction and not a choice...

I'm writing about basic civil rights. We've been here before, fighting for the rights of African Americans or women to vote, or the rights of Jewish Americans to worship as they see fit. And, just as whites fought for African Americans or Christians for Jewish Americans, straight people must stand up and be a voice for gay people...

The support of legalizing gay marriage is in no way meant to change the ideals of the section of Christians who believe that homosexuality is a sin. But we should refuse to let other people's ideals shape the way we live our lives. Each of us has a short ride on this earth and as long as we stay in our lane, and don't affect someone elses ride, we should be allowed to drive as we see fit." - Rob Thomas' "The Big Gay Chip on My Shoulder"

Click the link to read the complete article; I just chose some pieces that really encompassed my beliefs.

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