Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Four Years!

Today, Tyler Jon, is your fourth (and golden) birthday! I had many things written, but none of it seemed adequate. You are an amazing boy, and a blessing in my life.

Tyler, I am so proud of you, and the little guy that you have become! You are loving, honest, compassionate, kind, curious, funny, and talented. Your love for your family is outstanding. You are an incredible big brother who helps to guide and protect Soph, and you are a fantastic son who makes me smile daily.

Happy 4th Birthday, Tiny-man! May each day be as terrific as you are!



simplicity said...

Happy Birthday Tyler! Hard to believe it's been FOUR years! :)

Kristen Ann said...

Wow, I can't believe "Tiny Man" is 4 years old! Love you and your Sissa VERY much!

Lauren said...

my beautiful nephew-- someday i'll tell you a story about the little boy who saved my life.
i'm so lucky to have you in my life.
xo, Auntie