The Greats were our first visitors again when Sophie was born. She was just over an hour old when they arrived at the hospital. I was so glad that they were there (and by the tear in Grandpa's eye, I know that he was glad too).
This picture has been the background on my computer's desktop since it was taken. It wasn't taken on a special day - just one of our frequent visits - something that I wouldn't have changed for the world. Both Great-Grandpa and Greatsie are two of the most important people in my life and the lives of my children.
Valentine's 2008. Tyler was home sick and so in the afternoon we made "Valentine Crowns" for an activity. We all had one, and we wore them at our special dinner.
3.8.08. Grandpa's birthday. We made a cake and went to celebrate with him. Tyler went sporting pajamas because he knew that Great-Grandpa would have jammies on too.
My favorite picture of Great-Grandpa and his genuine smile.
Ty and Grandpa at Jason's wedding (5.3.08). Weren't they handsome?!
Soph admiring her Boppa (which she still does whenever she sees pictures of him around our house).
6.21.08. The Anniversary Couples. We stopped for a visit after going to dinner on our anniversary. It was our 5th, and the Greats 56th!
Sophie sharing a fresh baked cookie with her Boppa. Eating cookies was something that these two did quite well together.
We love you Grandpa, and we miss you!
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