Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Just One of Those Weeks...

It's only Wednesday I am a done. I feel impatient with my family and students. There is a shortness and a tone to m voice that I don't want to be there, but it is. I don't like feeling this way, but I just can't seem to shake my mood.

Jon has been working a crazy schedule. We haven't seen much of him; and when we have, it hasn't been the greatest time because he is so tired. That is not his fault, but it definately takes a toll on all of us.

Tyler was sick on Sunday night into Monday - vomiting. Today, Sophie has spiked a fever. They are emotional when they don't feel well.

None of these situations have been because someone did something wrong, and yet I feel short tempered and frustrated with it all.

Lord, please grant me patience over the upcoming days. Patience with my husband, patience with my children, and patience with my students. They deserve to get all of the best that I have to offer. Give me more compassion so that I may help nurse my children to better health. Please give me strength to get through these difficult and stressful times. -Amen


Kristen Ann said...

I'll be praying with you and for you. Here's to better days ahead! Love to you all...

Kristen Ann said...
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simplicity said...

Were you just asked to be in a wedding via blog?!? :) Cracks me up!

Anyhow I am SO sorry about your week. I totally can relate at times and it stinks. Life can get so overwhelming can't it?

Here's hoping the rest of your week is looking up and you can enjoy a nice long weekend with your family.